script for pre-lim task
2. Nicole heading towards door.
3. Nicole opens the door
4. Nicole walks into room and sits down in a chair opposite the accused male.
Where’s the body?
I don’t know what you mean?
You Know exactly what I mean!
Opening Sequence Of “Panic Room” and ‘SE7EN’ comparison
Camera Shot/Angle/Movement
‘Panic Room’ uses a range of long shots and high angles t show where we are from above. It also uses wide angles to show our surroundings. Average day in the city shown with the high buildings does not show us the whole story as all it shows us is where it is set. It uses slow panning shots to show where the location is so we get a full understanding.
Where as ‘seven’ uses Close-ups helps to focus attention and stimulate the imagination to come into play,quick
movements and a variety of erratic close-ups to create this. The angle of some shots are from above, as a sense that the viewer is overlooking someone
Low mysterious music which leads us to wonder what's going to happen and what the main story it is going to be.
also it makes us anxious in wanting to know what is going to happen. The sound also moves with the names and s
hots on screen so it keeps a beat to the shots and editing. It also sets the scene even though we know little about the film or themes of it. It sets a Mysterious atmosphere and how things may not always be as they seem.
In the same way the sound is both Non-diegetic and diegetic sound in ‘SEVEN’. However the use of non-diegetic sound dominates. Most of the non-diegetic sound, has been generated by computers to generate scraping, alien and distorted sounds.
Editing is key to the opening scene of the film because it makes the opening flow with the music but also the shots flow one after the other. Also the names of people who are in it and producers of the film are edited over the shots of the film.
Editing is also key to seven there are a variety of cuts in the opening seque
nce which change rapidly the use of different cuts constantly challenges the audiences perspective. Unlike panic room where the cuts are slow and panning.
Mise en Scene
We do not see a lot in the opening of ‘Panic room’ but we do see the buildings and city it is set in. we are not told this but we are able to recognize the city with the buildings and also recognizable features of new york like the yellow taxis and the chrysler building which is clearly recognizable from the clip.
The opening of seven uses low key lighting which generates shadows and adds to the audiences anticipation. And unlike panic room the images are not clear to us.
There are no clear characters shown to us in the opening of ‘Panic room’ and in the same way,The opening of ‘Seven’ doesn’t clearly establish any main character, however because the focus is on the actions of the antagonist, he is quite clearly an important character.
The location of the opening is New york this is made clear to us through the buildings which are recognizable features of new york like the taxis and streets.
However in ‘Seven’ we are Inside, hidden, unknown, Basement or cellar
There is no clear plot as all you see is the skyline of new york and the city itself. All you can assume is that the main focus is in the city of new york itself.
in the same way in ‘Seven’ there is No clear evidence of narrative or plot is introduced into the opening, however because of the actions of the antagonist one can assume that he is a serial killer.
There is no clear theme only the city itself where as in ‘SEVEN’ the themes of
Murder, serial killer, pain, knifes and destruction are clearly shown to us.
Visual Style
The visual style is clear in the way it wants you to get a clear image and setting of the film. Where as in ‘Seven’ Unique, original, uses combination of credits and fast cuts to destabilize the viewer so it is the complete opposite to ‘panic room’
We cant work out the genre at all from what we see. However with the music and panning shots we can get the idea that it is a thriller as it gives us that uncertainty that we would expect from a thriller. ‘Seven’ is clearly a Thriller, psychological horror, as much as it is de-stabilized we know clearly what the aim of the film is.
What type of thriller do you like most?
What do you think is the most important element in thriller?
mise en scene
What type of music do you think is the most effective in a thriller?
Fast beat
Slow Beat
How important is the introduction of a mystery or an enigma?
not much
a lot
very much
Do you think the conventions to a thriller should be subverted?
Yes No
Do you think dialogue is important in the opening of a thriller?
Yes No
Opening Sequence Analysis
Camera Shot/Angle/Movement
Begins with title of the film, camera enters fr
om above, an blacks out after a few seconds, we only hear people talking we don’t see them, this sense of unease is enforced with a black scene for a good 30 seconds. Then, lights suddenly turn on, showing two characters, in a bathroom chain
ed separately, the camera cuts from one character
to another. the camera is handheld, giving erratic shaky movements.
scrapping, creepy, people talking, shouting, screaming.
Many fast cuts are used and enhance the sense of tension and suspense. moving to different scenes, representing the film.
Mise en Scene
Bathroom creates an ugly background or where the victims are.
the characters identity is not clearly identified, but because they’ve been assaulted and left in chains the audience can assume that they are the victims.
bathroom, maybe communal.
people have been captured, and perhaps for a kidnap ransom.
revenge, sadism, death
Visual Style
the director deliberately doesn’t identify characters straight away, can only hear and guess what the characters will be.
Opening Sequence Analysis
Camera Shot/Angle/Movement
Close-ups helps to focus attention and stimulate the imagination to come into play,quick movements and a variety of erratic close-ups to create this. The angle of some shots are from above, as a sense that the viewer is overlooking someone.
The opening to seven employs both Non-diegetic and diegetic sound, however the use of non-diegetic sound dominates. Most of the non-diegetic sound, has been generated by computers to generate scraping, alien and distorted sounds.
there are a variety of cuts in the opening sequence which change rapidly the use of different cuts constantly challenges the audiences perspective.
Mise en Scene
The opening of seven uses low key lighting which generates shadows and adds to the audiences anticipation
The opening of Seven doesn’t clearly establish any main character, however because the focus is on the actions of the antagonist, he is quite clearly an important character.
Inside, hidden, unknown, Basement or cellar
No clear evidence of narrative or plot is introduced into the opening, however because of the actions of the antagonist one can assume that he is a serial killer.
Murder, serial killer, pain, destruction.
Visual Style
Unique, original, uses combination of credits and fast cuts to de-stabilise the viewer
Thriller, psychological horror
Opening Sequence Analysis
Panic Room
Camera Shot/Angle/Movement
The opening of Panic Room consist of long-shots, high angles and pans. This helps the audience appreciate the vastness of the New York City landscape, with its historical buildings and sky-scrappers.
The opening to Panic Room uses Non-diegetic sound. the music is subtle and complements the titles graphics and titles that emerge on the screen. the pace and the tone of the music picks up giving a sense to the audience that something is about to happen.
The opening of Panic Room is made up of a series of long-shots with very little editing, this allows the audience much more time to absorb the information given to them. A series of long takes occupy the opening scene. the camera focuses on the tall buildings and sky scrappers that dominate the city.
Mise en Scene
The opening scene is shot during the day, using a combination of highlighting and modern settings. In the final scene the camera pans down to street level and focuses on two women, this informs the audience of the setting and that its set in contemporary city.
The final shot in panic room focuses on the two women walking along the street deep in conversation with each other.
America, the city, modern time/ 21st century.
The opening of Panic Room doesn’t give any real sense of narrative or plot.
In-Justice, Disloyal, Un-trustworthy
Visual Style
the visual style for panic room is very interesting. the director uses a series of long shots and tall buildings to super impose the information contained in the opening sequence.
Psychological thriller,Action,Adventure